Ans. We have created this blog to provide you all HD movies in smallest size available. HD movies available on the other websites are of the size 2GB-6GB. Here, all the movies uploaded are not more than 1.5GB in size. This is almost a boon for the people have who have low bandwidth and their download speed is very less.
2. Do We rip these movies??
Ans. No, we don't have such powerful computers to rip large size blu-ray disks and DVDs to small size mkv files maintaining the same quality. All the credit goes to the original rippers. All we are trying to do here is provide you all with small size mkv files spread over the internet in various websites to a single collection.
3. I have more queries, how to contact you??
Ans. LIKE our page on facebook and post your queries on our wall, for quick response.
4. I like your work, how can i support you??
Ans. Just download as much movies as you can, report any dead links on our facebook page and please recommend this blog to your friends.